Rock Bottom

I read someone say once that rock bottom is when you stop digging.

What does rock bottom mean to you?

Over the years I've realized the rock bottom I keep seeking is truly bottomless. Wouldn't it have been bleeding out in my bathroom floor? Trips to the ICU? The sheer number of hospitalizations or being sent to a state hospital when everyone gave up on me? The loss of people who got tired of my illness? The loss of jobs and opportunities and purpose?

So many things. I've always had a death wish, seeing how far I can go, to what extremes. I wanted something to feel like I had finally reached "Enough." Enough would mean feeling whole, complete, sick enough, close enough to death that I was scared. I have yet to get there, if it even exists.

If rock bottom is actually when one stops digging than maybe that's why I haven't reached it. I have yet to stop digging completely. Always further to fall, skin to slice, bones to see rise to the surface and pills pumped out. I have yet to feel fear and if you can't scare yourself into stopping then what does it take? It doesn't seem enough to be tired, either, because I am beyond exhausted of this Limbo. Maybe I have to want better, believe I am deserving of better. Im not there yet, not in a place of desire for more. Maybe I will never feel sick enough. Maybe I am running out of time.


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