trigger warnings

One thing you won't see on my blog, as you may have noticed, is a trigger warning when I talk about difficult things.

I don't mind if people put a trigger warning when they share a link to my blog or a post....that's their choice.

For me to put a trigger warning on stories from my life feels like a way of apologizing for what I'm about to say: I'm sorry this is hard, or ugly, or messy, that you have to look or listen. I had no trigger warning for my life experiences, and have been called a trigger to others. As though I have to walk around apologizing for the ways I have had to cope to survive.

Yes I have scars and yes they are permanent damage. They are the result of other damages I have lived through. I once got kicked out of a treatment program for just bringing up the subject that I wanted to be able to wear t-shirts when I'm hot and uncomfortable. I was told this was bothersome to the sensabilities of others. Instead of having a conversation about what might have made people upset or "triggered," my body became the problem, the thing to censor. As it often is most places I go for help.

Do I have certain triggers? Yes. But those are my issues. I don't put them on other people. If something someone says or does triggers me I would rather remove myself or have a conversation about what it is that makes me or someone else upset. I don't put it on other people to change their appearance or to hide their bodies. This goes for weight as well. 

There is nothing wrong with being sensitive to certain things but I feel it's my personal responsibility to deal with those things and question why they bother me, maybe even challenge them. Things that trigger us can be learning experiences, opportunities for growth and change and self-exploration. Maybe we don't need to erase all of them from our lives at all times. 

Open to any discussion about others' thoughts and feeling around this subject.


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