Sick Girl vs Strong kick-ass Woman

It was a kind thought this nurse had for me: "You can't be the sick girl. That's not you identy. You are a strong kick-ass woman."

I understand what she means and it made me feel good in some ways but she also missed something important: 

I never been anything but the sick girl. Invisible existence because people couldn't ever understand.

Sick girl was also at 18, in her first psych admit. In her 20s when sick girl found the trauma unit and it was where she lived, she never left, never out for more than a week before she would be brought back in pulsating red and blue comes back to stay months longer. Sick girl was quiet but she's spit out words at her intended targets which often ended up with them crying. Not sick girl 

Sick girl was in her 20's and tucked into her bed at night by her favorite nurse, always assigned to her every shift she worked. Sick girl's nurse. Sick girl's doctor was a kind of God to her and Sick Girl's social worker was the mother she needed who was wise and kind. Everything in order when Sick Girl's mind spun out as it did so frequently .

Sick girl has lived out her years in various hospitals and throen into a state hospital when all the lovely treaters couldn't take watching sick girl perish slowly in starvstion or maybe much faster when she cut her artery.

Sick girl has grown a lot and become less pouty. Still had an attitude and don't be afraid to call her a bitch because she owns that shit. But today she was different, didn't give thre new staff a hard time when she struggled to femember what to ask sick girl. Instead shf calmed her down and helped her along. Sick girl usually would have made minced meat out of her. Or anyone new brcadur this isndivk girls home and shrnknos everyone ever.

Then there is this other person I am seen as called strong kick-ass woman.. what is she doing here? We were doing just fine. Sick girl wants to be strong and kick ass at times but a woman? "Not me," she giggled. Sick girl is a aftermath of trauma where she had to be an adult. But by the time everyone else had grown up, sick girl got stunted in her teens. Throwing things at her therapist, scrolling in black sharpie on his wall, being held in a restraint "chair" and being pulled back from punching some guy in the face for bullying her friend.

Strong kick-ass woman is a warrior, an OG here, she has done it all and still has a veneer of innocence almost covered by how oversized her sunglasses are and the and the collection of piercings and tattoos. Maybe she works now as a peer specialist, she has her license and can get to where she's needed. Does strong kick-ass woman even think about sick girl anymore? Do they even relate? Could they possibly help one another with the healing that needs to take place? Join forces?

See there is this split that becomes confusing when you be survived trauma. You're the age when it happened, the aftermath when you're forced into adult roles. The age you're stuck at emotionally that may not match the chronology of physical age. I am this sick girl at heart. I do don't announce myself a woman,  my face contorts at what that would even mean; when I've been living in and out of hospitas, more in, causing problems, being diagnosed, scaring the shit out of people and those who saw not just no future for me but not even life

What am I letting go to become a a strong kick-ss woman? What do I lose if I'm not a sick girl? Maybe I'm afraid that the older I get the less people who's job it is to take of me will keep caring and just focus more on the younger ones.  Strong kick-ass woman seems self-sufficient and I am not but her roots are in sick girl and sick girl took all the pain and never had a good family, so shouldn't she howl up to strong kick-ass woman for help in how to live a life without Hospital home. Without pretending doctors fix all and the workers are her family. It's up to sick girl though. Maybe she's still to scared or maybe she wants out. We'll nhsve to find out


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