Acting Out

I have been the loudest person on the psych unit, wailing my heart out at times of tremendous pain that had been so built up over my life; breaking shit and cutting in front of people so impulsively; getting restrained; and arguing with people, instigating and once pouring a bottle of Ensure over a girl's head . Basically taking up the most time and attention.
Did I know I was doing that?
Hell no. I had no awareness of what I was doing or thought at all of the existence of other patients. I was going through something major, life-altering that until then had never been talked about. 

I was in a place in my life where I believed in the depths of my heart that I can't trust anyone because everybody leaves. In addition to that, I my Self was not a solid being. I existed only in the eyes and the physical being with another. This created a dilemma. Trusting people who can't be trusted in order for me to exist. I would spend every day making people promise they weren't leaving even if just for the day to return first thing in the morning when I woke up. This went as far as asking if a person who just went into the next room was still real. I recall one nurse who would tuck me into bed at night with her childhood stuffed animal to calm me down.

I was this 20 something screaming and begging and in desperate need of containment at all times. I was like a psych ward infant people had to take turns holding.

At the unit I am in today I am not loud. There are many disorganized and aggressive patients here needing constant redirection from staff. It takes up all of the staff's time. But when I finally asked for help like they're always telling me to do I asked for some more support and the nurse answered Sorry, we don't have time." That felt like a smack in the face for someone who hates bothering people, who then cut her wrist, and was being told, it felt, that my feelings don't matter. If I acted out louder no one would have turned me away. There should have been one person available to help those who weren't in crisis, patients who, though silently suffering, were suffering just as much. 

There is the urge to go back to my old ways and really frrak out the unit. It's tempting to not have to use words or explanations or fill out chain analysis papers. There are days I regress, especially in therapy, for sure. But I'm here because I was desperate and I just need to find a way to get what I can and when I am steady enough on my feet, to get the hell out.


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